Sharing Christ’s Love with Prisoners
Kolbe Prison Ministries ™ (“KPM”) is named after Saint Maximilian Kolbe who was martyred in a German concentration camp during World War II. He is the patron Saint of prisoners.
We carry out this mission by presenting a three-day retreat within the prison followed by ongoing Catholic formation. Each prison is served by local Catholic volunteers who bring into the prisons training materials, literature, and videos with the purpose of educating inmates about the Catholic faith and answering those who have shown an interest in learning more about the Catholic faith after attending a retreat.
We are fellow parishioners, both men and women who have a calling to reach out to those forgotten by society. To learn more, visit the “About Us” page. Retreats such as ACTS and Cursillo challenged us to get involved. As our own faith grew, we looked to see where we could give back to those in need or less fortunate. Our experience shows us that the incarcerated feel abandoned by family, friends, and their faith. Prisons are the devils playground leading them to an eternity in hell.
“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest”. Lk 10:2
We are led by God’s call through the corporal works of mercy to visit those imprisoned, through Kolbe Prison Ministries. This ministry has enriched and reinvigorated the spiritual lives of thousands of inmates. Many of the inmates open their hearts to the word of God and begin to make positive changes in their lives.
First and foremost we ask you to pray for the victims of criminal acts, for their families, for those that are locked away, for those that volunteer to visit and work within the prisons, and we ask that you pray for our ministry. Pray for the offenders that they put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, knowing that they can be forgiven for their mistakes and live the will of the Father.
Prison ministry is very rewarding for those who get involved. There are many tasks that must be fulfilled for this ministry to succeed: volunteers are needed to go into the prisons to present the retreat. More volunteers are needed to go back and teach CCD (Catholic religious education classes) or OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) or to run videos or to just visit with an inmate.
Many diocese have volunteers who choose to prepare and deliver meals during the retreat. This takes another group of volunteers who can work outside the prison yet provide a vital service to the mission.
Fund raising is always needed. It takes time, talent and treasure to provide this mission. Everything from retreat supplies, durable goods, consumable goods, food, books, videos, tables, trailers, and Mass supplies are always in need.
The Corporal Works of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of Mercy are actions we can perform that extend God’s compassion and mercy to those in need. Prison ministry achieves one of the Corporal works (visit the imprisoned) while giving you the opportunity to fulfill all the Spiritual works: instruct, advise, console, comfort, forgive and bear wrongs patiently.
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If you have attended a parish ACTS retreat or a Cursillo retreat you have the background to help with a Kolbe Prison retreat. If you are a catechist or have taught RCIA classes, your skills are invaluable to our ministry. But don’t let the absence of any of this stop you from volunteering; it is not required. Local Kolbe Core Teams will introduce you to men and women in your area who have been going into the prisons and can answer all your concerns. Each diocese that has adopted Kolbe Prison Ministry has already established at least one Kolbe ‘Core Team’ (a regional leadership group under the direction of the KPM Board of Directors) to oversee ministry activities of the prisons in their area. Visit the “Contact Core Teams” page to find the prison and Core Team in your area.
If Jesus were physically present on earth today, we would find Him in the prisons, talking and dining with the offenders, the outcasts of our society. He would be looking for the lowly, the lost, and the poor who have been stripped of all worldly things. People in prison are still part of God’s flock, made in His image and likeness, no matter what their crime against man, they deserve to hear the Word of God and the Truth of Christ’s message. In our mercy towards others, we show compassion for all mankind by bringing The Word and our love to those who have been incarcerated.
“For I was in prison and you visited me. …Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Mt 25:35,40
We ask that you spread the word about this ministry, we welcome and need volunteers to actively participate in our mission to bring the Catholic faith to the imprisoned.
Lastly, we ask for your financial support; your tax deductible donations are used to purchase Bibles, Catechisms, Spiritual literature, retreat meals, and supplies for RCIA, Mass, Communion Service and Liturgy of the Word, etc. To make a financial donation, visit our “Support Us” page.