Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary
According to St. Maximilian Kolbe
Introduction to Total Consecration
Day 01: Total Consecration according to St. Maximilian Kolbe
Day 02: Jesus is Consecration to Mary
Day 03: The Will of Mary
Day 04: Consultation with Mary
Day 05: Success in Mary’s Will
Day 06: Special News & Announcements
Day 07: Mediatrix of Grace
Day 08: Never was it Known
Day 09: Give Mary the Morning
Day 10: Give Mary Your Home
Day 11: Wearing Signs of Your Consecration
Day 12: You & Mary vs. The Devil
Day 13: Discernment of Spirits
Day 14: Perseverance
Day 15: Humility, Humility, Humility
Day 16: The Power of Mental Prayer
Day 17: The Science of Mental Prayer
Day 18: 3 Steps Mental Prayer: Praying Like the Saints
Day 19: The Presence of Mary
Day 20: A Spiritual Revolution
Day 21: Your Friends + Your Saints + Your Angel
Day 22: “The Battering Ram”: The Rosary
Day 23: The Promises of the Rosary
Day 24: The Secret of Praying the Rosary
Day 25: Important News
Day 26: Apparitions
Day 27: Charismatic Gifts
Day 28: Suffering & Tragedy
Day 29: Our Lady of Sorrows
Day 30: Saving Souls + the Communion of Reparation
Day 31: Confession
Day 32: The Eucharist
Day 33: Let Her Lead You
Day 34: Conclusion + Act of Total Consecration