Conference 2023 Info
Kolbe Prison Ministries will be holding its 8th annual Conference on July 22, 2023 at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Frisco, Texas (the churches “Great Hall”). Registration for the Conference is required to attend. KPM holds an annual conference at varied locations for the benefit of volunteers, supporters, and the general public interested in prison ministry. As our homepage states, the Mission of KPM is:
“To share the agape love of Jesus Christ with those in prison and
to teach the fullness of the truth of the Catholic church to the incarcerated.”
Why do we do this? It’s simple… we follow the invitation, the call, Jesus has given to all of us:
“I was in prison and you visited me. …Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Mt 25:35,40. The Conference gives us a great opportunity to gather, break bread together, inspire one another, and learn how to live out Jesus’ invitation to serve our incarcerated brothers and sisters with humility. Whether you are then inspired to join with us or not, we wholeheartedly welcome you to our event.

This is a one-day conference with a lot packed into it. After checking in (starting at 7:45 am), attendees are welcome to enjoy coffee and other beverages along with some breakfast snacks. This will be a great time to mingle and network with other like-minded attendees. We will project on screens more welcome and practical information about the venue and the happenings of the Conference. This will include info about Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for which a temporary chapel will be available just down the hallway from the main entry foyer. Signs will direct you to the temporary chapel for Adoration.
The Conference will also include several talks from quality speakers including a couple of former inmates, a wonderful lunch of Fajitas and other south of the border dishes, refreshments, a goody bag, music and more. We will include a program handout in the goody bag with an agenda for the event. Come and you won’t be disappointed.
Seating for the event in the Great Hall of St. Francis of Assisi parish is open (not reserved), on a “first come, first served” basis except for reserved tables for speakers and KPM Board members. Seating will be at round tables which comfortably seat eight. However, in the event that the Conference is fully or nearly fully booked, we may have to squeeze in ten chairs per table to accommodate all registered attendees. Let’s all hope that the Conference is a bit crowded.
While the Conference is free to attend, we will be inviting attendees to make a free will donation to help defray the cost of the event. We have requested and received some very nice gifts (artwork, etc.) for which a prize drawing will take place at the conclusion of the event. Attendees making donations of $100 or more during the event (either by a donation envelope or via PayPal) will be eligible for the prize drawing. If you would like to contribute a valued gift for our prize drawing, please contact us using the form on the Registration webpage.
Seating for the event in the Great Hall of St. Francis of Assisi parish is open (not reserved), on a “first come, first served” basis except for reserved tables for speakers and KPM Board members. Seating will be at round tables which comfortably seat eight. However, in the event that the Conference is fully or nearly fully booked, we may have to squeeze in ten chairs per table to accommodate all registered attendees. Let’s all hope that the Conference is a bit crowded.
While the Conference is free to attend, we will be inviting attendees to make a free will donation to help defray the cost of the event. We have requested and received some very nice gifts (artwork, etc.) for which a prize drawing will take place at the conclusion of the event. Attendees making donations of $100 or more during the event (either by a donation envelope or via PayPal) will be eligible for the prize drawing. If you would like to contribute a valued gift for our prize drawing, please contact us using the form on the Registration webpage.