Offender Info

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), Louisiana Department of Corrections (DOC) and Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) have online resources and information on the whereabouts of offenders (aka prisoners, inmates, convicts, internees, etc) within their respective prison system. Such online resources and information include offender information search, communication with offenders and reentry info. For information on Rules for Correspondence in Texas prisons, visit the TDCJ Frequently Asked Questions page. For the Louisiana DOC, visit the Communicate with people in prison page. in Florida prisons, visit the FDC Contacting an Inmate page.
(click on arrow to show & hide info)
The Federal Bureau of Prisons website provides a tool to search for inmates currently held in one of the 122 Federal prisons.
To use the tool, visit the Find an Inmate page.
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) website provides a tool to search for offenders currently within the TDCJ system (not those offenders already released). The search fields include Last Name, First Name, TDCJ Number, SID Number, Gender, and Race.
To use the tool, visit the Offender Information Search page.
The Louisiana Department of Corrections website provides a way to find the location of offenders currently within the DOC system (not those offenders already released). The DOC approach uses a call in number to inquire.
For more info, visit the Locate a person in prison page.
The Florida Department of Corrections website provides a way to find the location of offenders currently within the system (not those offenders already released).
For more info, visit the to locate a person in Florida prisons page.
The Oklahoma Department of Corrections website provides a way to find the location of offenders currently within the system (not those offenders already released).
For more info, visit the to locate a person in Oklahoma prisons page.
The Kansas Department of Corrections website provides a way to find the location of offenders currently within the system (not those offenders already released).
For more info, visit the to locate a person in Kansas prisons page.
There are several different options for communicating with specific offenders including in-person visits, telephone calls, regular mail and email. Families and friends of offenders are encouraged to communicate regularly and often.
In-person Visitation is important for the families, friends and the offenders. Each state has its own information and rules governing visitations. For Texas prisons, go to the Offender Visitation page, and for Louisiana, go to the Visitor Guidelines and Information page
The offender Telephone system allows eligible inmates to make paid telephone calls to friends and family, in accordance with the State’s rules and procedures for offenders. E-messaging allows friends and families to send electronic messages to inmates. For telephone and e-messaging information at TDCJ facilities, visit Offender Telephone and E-messaging Services and for Louisiana DOC facilitoes visit Communicating with people in prison
Written correspondence sent via Regular Mail must include on the envelope the offender’s name, prison ID number and unit address. All mail for offenders must be received through authorized channels. Mail is forwarded to offenders who transfer from one unit to another within the state prison system. Letters will be forwarded to offenders who are released from prison, if the offender provides a forwarding address at his last unit of assignment.
For more information on mailing and other general topics, visit the TDCJ page: General Information Guide for Families of Offenders and also the Mail System Coordinators Panel, or for such info for Louisiana, view the LA Friends and Family Handbook.
Email correspondence with offenders is handled through the JPay system. JPay offers other convenient and affordable services including money transfers, videos, tablets, music, education & parole and probation payments.
For more info and to use JPay, visit the JPay Services page.
The offender Telephone system allows eligible inmates to make paid telephone calls to friends and family, in accordance with the State’s rules and procedures for offenders. E-messaging allows friends and families to send electronic messages to inmates. For telephone and e-messaging information at TDCJ facilities, visit Offender Telephone and E-messaging Services and for Louisiana DOC facilitoes visit Communicating with people in prison
Written correspondence sent via Regular Mail must include on the envelope the offender’s name, prison ID number and unit address. All mail for offenders must be received through authorized channels. Mail is forwarded to offenders who transfer from one unit to another within the state prison system. Letters will be forwarded to offenders who are released from prison, if the offender provides a forwarding address at his last unit of assignment.
For more information on mailing and other general topics, visit the TDCJ page: General Information Guide for Families of Offenders and also the Mail System Coordinators Panel, or for such info for Louisiana, view the LA Friends and Family Handbook.
Email correspondence with offenders is handled through the JPay system. JPay offers other convenient and affordable services including money transfers, videos, tablets, music, education & parole and probation payments.
For more info and to use JPay, visit the JPay Services page.
For more information on mailing and other general topics, visit the TDCJ page: General Information Guide for Families of Offenders and also the Mail System Coordinators Panel, or for such info for Louisiana, view the LA Friends and Family Handbook.
Email correspondence with offenders is handled through the JPay system. JPay offers other convenient and affordable services including money transfers, videos, tablets, music, education & parole and probation payments.
For more info and to use JPay, visit the JPay Services page.
For more info and to use JPay, visit the JPay Services page.
The TDCJ provides a range of reentry resources and services. Visit the Reentry Resources Guide (by County) page and also the Reentry and Integration Division page.
Louisiana provides various re-entry resources and services. For re-entry services information, visit the Reentry Initiatives & Transitional Work Programs page.