There are several ways to support and be a part of this life-changing ministry, including:
Recommend (tell others about us)
Get Involved! Do you have a heart for helping those who have had difficult lives and made poor choices, but are now trying to amend their ways? Are you wondering how you or your church might make a contribution that will make a difference? Here are some ideas:
Pray for Prison Ministries!
Please pray for the Lord’s protection, provision and wisdom for our Core, teams, volunteers and benefactors. As expected, the Evil One does not want this ministry to exist or succeed, so we need your ongoing prayers.
Every KPM retreat has expenses to cover for materials used/consumed at the retreat including food items, serving supplies, print materials, table supplies and materials, and more. Unless we get these items donated directly (which usually does not happen), the retreat leaders and volunteer team have to foot the bill for these costs. With the increasing number of facilities and scheduled retreats, covering these costs has become more and more burdensome on the volunteers. We need additional help from the broader caring community… people like you!
There are multiple ways of financially donating to KPM:
Direct Monetary Donations. For offering up of direct monetary donation, you can donate (1) via cash transfer using Zelle (Business name: Kolbe Prison Ministries, email address:, (2) send a check made out to “Kolbe Prison Ministries” and mail it to Kolbe Prison Ministries, 1614 Sidney Baker Street, Ste 200, Kerrville, TX 78028, (3) click on the Paypal button below, or (4) donate using Venmo by scanning the QR code below. As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, your financial donation to KPM using any of these methods is tax-deductible as provided by law. The IRS tax ID number (EIN) for Kolbe Prison Ministries is: 47-5446694..
Donor Advised Funds. Donors to a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) can select KPM as a recipient. Donor Advised Funds are becoming more and more popular as a way to send funds to a charity of the donors choice, remain anonymous (if desired), and receive a charitable tax deduction on the front end.
Workplace Giving Programs. There are a number of different programs that companies may have set up including Employee Matching Gifts, Workplace Volunteer Grants, Donations through Payroll Deduction, and Annual Giving Campaigns. Check with your employer as to which if any of these programs are available to you at work. Workplace volunteer grants, also known as “Dollars for Doers”, are corporate programs that provide monetary donations to organizations based on the employees charitable volunteer hours.
KPM has received the Silver Seal of Transparency! To view the KPM Profile on Guidestar, click HERE!
Donate Food and/or other Material Resources
As mentioned above, every retreat uses/consumes food items, serving supplies, print materials, tables materials, and more. But most especially meals. At a typical retreat, a total of five meals are provided to the outside team members (Kolbe volunteers), inside team members, and retreatants (offenders) which usually includes well over 100 total individuals. Restaurants, public institutions, charities with kitchen facilities and other groups of individuals (typically church groups) are encouraged to contribute an occasional meal. Your generous donation will go a long ways toward helping to give our incarcerated brothers and sisters a life-changing (and hopefully soul-saving) retreat experience. The value of your in-kind donation may be tax-deductible; contact your tax advisor for more info. Please use the email form on the ‘Contact Us’ page if want to inquire about donating food or supplies.
Attend our Fundraisers
Join us at our benefit gatherings (yet in the planning stages) where we inform attendees of the latest KPM news, show off some of art and other media from retreatants, and ask for your support. In the past, the team members and Kolbe Core members footed most of the bill for the cost of the retreats but we need further assistance. We really need your help! .
Join us as a team member or ministry volunteer
Please prayerfully consider becoming actively involved in KPM by participating as a team member. There is also a need for volunteers to attend and help with prison retreat reunions, Bible studies, Communion service, and RCIA classes. A number of men who initially dragged their feet and reluctantly volunteered as a retreat team member found the ministry to be very uplifting and rewarding… and they became repeat volunteers. How about you?
Recommend us: be a witness and voice for KPM in your community
Everyone can be a prison ministry ambassador, a behind-the-scenes supporter, and an ‘unofficial’ KPM team member. All it takes is the willingness to promote the cause for bringing Christ to the prisons by passing along a gentle comment, a well placed nudge or a sincere recommendation to a faith-filled man or woman to consider helping KPM. You may never know what such a simple, kind gesture will do to point a loving person toward becoming the hands, feet and voice for Christ in the prison and perhaps even save a previously lost soul. May God richly bless you for sharing your time and talent with these least brothers and sisters of ours.